Want to change your life? Start with this! - HaileyNoa.com

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Want to change your life? Start with this!

by Hailey Noa

want to manifest a new life? start with this!

Do you want to change your life? In a moment of reflection, you looked over your current life and you decided that things need to change. You want life to be exciting, purposeful and joyful again. You’re ready to create a new life that fully matches how you want to feel and you’re looking for a way to do that.

Then I have some good news for you! In this blog, I’ll give you 1 valuable tip, that‘ll help you manifest the life that you truly want.

Start minimalizing (decluttering)

If you want to change your life, the first thing that you should do is start minimalizing. It might seem unrelated, but minimalizing is the first step when you want to welcome in a new life. Because with minimalizing, you’re decluttering your house. You throw away everything that you no longer:

  1. Use
  2. Love
  3. Need

It’s basically ‘Marie Condo-ing’ your house. You let go of everything that is no longer serving you.

Why minimalizing will help you create the life you want

If you want to manifest a new life, it’s important that you make space for the new life to come in. You need to make space for the things that you want on a mental and energetic level, but also on a physical level.

This is exactly what you do with minimalizing. You’re physically letting go of everything that you no longer need in your life. With your actions, you’re showing the Universe that you’re ready to receive something better.

The more you hold on to things that are no longer serving you, the more you tell the Universe that you’re not ready for that abundant and purposeful new life.

So start getting rid of old clothes and books. Sort out your draws and paperwork. Toss out broken things that are in the way.

Start minimalizing and change your life!

So start today with transforming your life and house. Enjoy the process and be mindful of the clarity and space that this process will give. And also, trust that once you start doing this, the Universe will take over and that your new and improved life is just around the corner!

Donate where possible

It’s important to be mindful in this process. Don’t just throw everything in the trash. See if you can donate your things to Goodwill if they are still good. Or maybe you can donate your things to a friend. One person’s trash is another person’s treasure, so see if you can give your old things a second life. The Universe will love you for it!

Now I’d love to hear from you: what is the first place in your house that you’d love to start minimalizing? Leave your reply in the comment section!

Hailey Noa, Soul Purpose Coach


I'm a Soul Purpose Expert, Cacao Guardian, Mantra Musician and Spiritual Mentor.

I help you experience your Soul with the help of cacao ceremonies, Soul journey meditations, and coaching. Because you are meant to do amazing things on this earth, and your Soul knows what it is!

Enjoy the free podcasts, blogs, and videos that will help you with this!

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