What can you do when you don’t like your job? In my previous blog and video, I spoke about the fact that 73% of millennial women are unhappy in their job. What can you do if you are one of those women? And how can you become happy with your job? In this blog and video, I will give you 3 tips that will help.
Prefer watching? Then check out this video ↓
3 tips for if you’re unhappy in your job
1. Figure out why you don’t like your job
The first thing that you should do, is figuring out why you don’t like your job. Be as specific as you can. What is it that you don’t like and why do you not like it? Maybe it’s your boss, it’s your colleagues, it’s the work itself. Maybe you don’t feel fulfilled and purposeful in your job. Dig deep and write everything down that comes up for you.
This first step will help you get clarity on the situation. It’ll make it crystal clear what the root of the problem is.
If you, for example, realize that you don’t like the work, then switching to a new employer where you’ll do the same work won’t help. Because in a new job, you’re very likely to stumble upon the same problem. If you know why you don’t like your job, you’ll also know better what you need to do to change this.
2. Focus on what is thriving
It’s okay if you don’t like your job. But what you should try to avoid, is that it affects you and how you feel. If you mope around feeling sorry for yourself because you don’t like your job, you’re going to feel bad. Don’t do that. Don’t bring all your attention to what you don’t like. Shift your attention to what is good and fun in your job.
Maybe you like the commute, maybe you like your colleagues, maybe they have great coffee in the office. Focus your attention on what is thriving in the workplace and let that lift your spirit. This will help you feel okay and stay positive while you figure out your work situation.
3. Take action!
If you don’t like your job, it’s important that you start taking action to do something about it. For most of us, work is a big part of our lives. We spend most of our days in the workplace. That’s why it’s really important that you do work that you love and that makes you happy.
If your work doesn’t do that, then it’s time to make some changes. You don’t have to stay in an unhappy job. You deserve more and better.
And if you’ve realized that you’ve picked a career path that isn’t making you happy, know that you can always make a career switch. The choice that you’ve made in the past for this career, doesn’t have to be a permanent one. Just because you’re on a certain career path now, that doesn’t mean that you have to stay on it no matter what.
Make yourself a priority and do whatever you need to be happy in your job. If you need to get help with this, GET HELP! You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. There are many people and coaches out there who’d love to help you get the clarity that you’re looking for. When you work with a coach, you’re more likely to get the answers that you’re looking for in a shorter amount of time.
Don’t ignore how you’re feeling, but START TAKING ACTION! You’re worth it!
If you’d like to know how I can help you, check out my ‘Work With Me’-page.
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