The history of cacao​ -

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The history of cacao​

by Hailey Noa

Cacao ceremony amsterdam

Cacao is a plant medicine. The tradition of cacao comes from the Mayan and Aztec tradition from Meso and South America, and has been used for over 4000 years. In indigenous cultures, cacao was traditionally a ceremony to connect to the divine. Cacao is seen as the food of the gods.

This is because cacao opens up the energetic heart (the heart and sacral chakra). This openness makes it possible to commune with the Gods.

Because the heart is the portal to the Soul. This means that cacao helps to open the portal to the Soul. From this open place, you can tap into the wisdom of your Soul more easily and receive guidance from your highest and wisest self.

Traditionally, cacao has been used in ceremony, in ritual to commune with the Gods, or as an offering to the Gods. Cacao was even used as a currency in the ancient time, because it has such a high value.

So when we use cacao, we are tapping in to an ancient tradition and legacy.

Renaissance of cacao​

There is a Mayan legend that says that cacao will return to the people when there is a disbalance between people and nature that needs to be restored.

At the moment we are in the renaissance of cacao, and cacao has been coming back to the people in the last 20 years, in an intercultural way.

Because now more than ever, humanity needs to remember their connection to nature and the Divine. That is why the medicine of cacao is coming back to people from all over the world, and all cultures, so we can all remember who we truly are.


Do you want to experience the magic of cacao yourself, and do you also want to connect to your Soul?
Join one of my cacao ceremonies!

You can find all the information that you need over here.

Hailey Noa, Soul Purpose Coach


I'm a Soul Purpose Expert, Cacao Guardian, Mantra Musician and Spiritual Mentor.

I help you experience your Soul with the help of cacao ceremonies, Soul journey meditations, and coaching. Because you are meant to do amazing things on this earth, and your Soul knows what it is!

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