Uncover Your Soul Purpose & Create a meaningful life
Remember your mission, do what you're meant to do.
Join this unique Soul Purpose Ceremony and, discover your Soul’s Purpose in only 3 hours!
Ever wondered what your Soul Purpose is?
There is a voice inside of you that keeps saying that you have “something” more to do in life. You know that this voice is right. But despite your efforts, you haven’t figured out what this something. Does this sound familiar?
If so, then you’re in the right place!
Because the voice that you’ve been hearing is your Soul, that “something” is your Purpose.
In my Soul Purpose ceremony, you can finally uncover what your Soul Purpose is, so you can give direction and meaning to your life.
YOUR Soul Purpose
= Your Life's Mission
Everyone has a Soul Purpose. Your Soul choose to be born on this planet, at this time, in this body, for a special reason.
Before you were are born, your Soul decided what experiences it wants to have, what lesson’s it wants to learn AND what its purpose would be.
Your Soul knows its mission and purpose is. But as soon as we are born, we forget this. Because of that, you feel strongly that you’re meant for “something more”, but you just don’t know what it is.
Not knowing your Soul Purpose can leave you feeling stuck, meaningless and frustrated. Especially if you had hoped that your day job would be your purpose, but it’s not fulfilling (anymore).
The great news is that you can remember your unique Soul Purpose. By tuning into your Soul, you can connect to your life’s mission, and remember what you’re meant to do in this life.
A Soul Purpose Ceremony, is a great way to unlock your Soul Purpose
Introducing the...
Soul Purpose Ceremony
Find meaning, be fulfilled
The answer to what your Soul Purpose is, is within you. During a Soul Purpose ceremony, you’ll connect with your Soul to discover your true mission in life.
This ceremony combines ancient sacred shamanic tools such as soul journeying, and ceremonial cacao, with Soul Inquiry exercises to get to know yourself better.
All these tools and rituals are designed to bring you in a deep state of connection with your Soul, so you can uncover your true and meaningful purpose in life.
If you’ve been wanting to know your Soul Purpose, this is for you!
What to expect
This is what we do
Next to shamanic tools such as Soul Journeying, and Soul Inquiry exercises, I also use ceremonial cacao in the Soul purpose Ceremony.
Ceremonial cacao opens up your heart. This allows your Soul to step forward and speak to you. Drinking ceremonial cacao is optional, but highly recommended.
In my ceremonies I also use music, singing, and sound meditation. These vibrations bring you in a deep relaxed state, so you can remember your Soul Purpose.
There will also be sharing in the circle, and (journaling) exercises.
After the ceremony, you will feel clear on your direction in life, relaxed, and of course purposeful.
Please note: cacao is not a drug or psychedelic. Cacao is a safe plant and won’t make you high or hallucinate.
the ceremony you've been waiting for
A Soul Purpose Ceremony is perfect for you if you want to:
- Discover what your Soul Purpose is.
- Feel strongly that you have a deeper purpose on this earth.
- Know you’re meant for ‘something’ more.
- Want to change careers and are looking for a first step.
- Are done feeling stuck, frustrated and sad because you don’t know your Soul Purpose.
- Want to do something that is fun, meaningful, and fulfilling with your life.
not a job, but a mission
It’s important to understand that your Soul Purpose is not a job. So, in the Soul Purpose Ceremony, we won’t discover what your next career move is going to be.
Your Soul Purpose is your mission in life. It’s how you’re meant to leave your mark, and do something positive on earth. Knowing your Soul Purpose will make you feel good, and give a deeper sense of meaning to your life.
An example of a Soul Purpose is, “help children to grow up in a healthy way” or “make the world a more sustainable place”.
In the Soul Purpose Ceremony, you’re going to discover what your unique mission and purpose is. Once you know what that is, you might decide to change careers so you can live your Soul Purpose every day. Your Soul Purpose is your Soul Purpose, whether you turn it into your job or not.
Ceremony Theme this fall
This fall, we will align with the element Wind and the cardinal direction of the West during the ceremonies.
In shamanic traditions, each season holds unique energies and connections to elemental forces. The fall is the time for introspection and reflection, mirroring the cyclical nature of life and the gradual decline of the year’s vitality. Wind is linked to change, direction, and the free flow of life.
That’s why this fall, you’re offered the space to connect to your Soul’s deepest desires so, you can find your path in life. We’ll do this by exploring who you are on a Soul level and what your Soul Purpose is in this lifetime. The insights that this gives, will offer you support and guidance, wherever you are in life.
What you'll get
A magical morning, filled with Soul and purpose
The Soul Purpose Ceremony is packed with tools and rituals to help you connect to your Soul, so you uncover your unique purpose. Here’s what you’ll get:
- Soul Purpose Ceremony
- Soul Journey meditation
- Ceremonial cacao (35 grams)
- Small group for maximum support
- Sound healing
- Live music
- Soul Inquiry & integrating exercises
- Sharing circle
Love for the ceremony
Join my Soul Purpose ceremony
September 2024
When: Sunday, 15 September 2024
Where: Herengracht 294, Amsterdam (WE ARE TRUST)
Time: 13:00 – 16:00 (make sure you arrive 15 minutes early, so at 12:45)
Price: €45/55* (early bird till September 1st, €10 discount)
*Tickets are non-refundable
Prepare for your Soul purpose Ceremony
Keep this in mind
- Wear comfortable and warm clothes.
- You can bring a notebook and pen (and crystals if you like).
- It's advised to not drink alcohol or drugs the day before and on the day of the ceremony (until the ceremony).
- If you want to drink cacao: It's advised to not drink coffee on the day of the ceremony. If not drinking coffee in the morning gives you a headache, then only drink one and make it a bit milder.
- If you want to drink cacao: Don’t eat anything at least 3 hours before the ceremony.
- If you want to drink cacao: It is not advised to be cautious with drinking a ceremonial doses (35 gram) of cacao if:
- - Have severe heart problems
- - Use antidepressants that contain MAOI's
- - Use medication against high blood pressure.
- - You’re pregnant: it's okay to drink ceremonial cacao while pregnant, but cacao can activate your baby or cause nausea. If you're not familiar with drinking cacao while pregnant, only take a few sips.
Please note that I’m not a doctor, and I don’t give medical advice. Consult your doctor if you want to join a ceremony but are not sure if this is suitable for you. I can always make a milder dose of cacao for you if needed.
More ceremony love
Frequently Asked Question
Yes, this is a safe ceremony. If you want, you can add ceremonial cacao to the ceremony. There are contraindications for these plants. Cacao is a safe plant despite the contra indications (see on page under ‘What To Expect’).
Do know that don’t have to drink the cacao, if you feel like this would keep your ceremony safer.
A shamanic ceremony like this Soul Purpose Ceremony always works. This means that your Soul and spirit team will always make sure that you get the answers you’re looking for.
The ceremony is set up in such a way that you’ll walk away with newfound clarity and insights, no matter what.
However, sometimes people are too blocked, and because of that, it’s hard for them to receive their Soul’s Purpose at once.
In that case, you will have to trust that the answer to what your soul’s purpose is will come at a later time. You can use the exercises and practices from the ceremony at home to continue asking your Soul for its purpose. Keep faith, and the answer will come.
Cacao is a safe plant medicine. It is not a drug or psychedelic, so it won’t make you high or hallucinate.
There are however some contraindications for drinking cacao. It is not advised to drink cacao if:
- Have severe heart problems
- Are on a high doses of antidepressants that contain MAO
- Use medication against high blood pressure.
You can drink cacao while pregnant, but cacao can activate your baby or cause nausea. If you’re not familiar with drinking cacao while pregnant, only take a few sips.
Consult your doctor if you want to join a ceremony but are not sure if this is suitable for you.
To make sure that the ceremonial cacao can support you the best during the ceremony, the following is advised:
- Don’t drink any coffee on the day of the ceremony.
- Don’t eat anything at least 3 hours before the ceremony.
- Don’t drink any alcohol or use drugs the day before and on the day of the ceremony.
Ceremonial cacao is made out of 100% pure cacao.
Because this makes the drink really bitter, I will add a couple of ingredients to make the cacao sweeter, so it is more pleasant to drink it.
These are the ingredients that I use at the moment:
- Cardamon
- Cinnamon
- Agave
- Apricot paste
- Cayenne
This blend is 100% vegan.
If you’re coming to my ceremony, and you are allergic to any of these ingredients, please let me know at least 2 days in advance, so I can adjust the blend for you.
The tickets for the ceremony are non-refundable.
If you can’t make it anymore, and there is enough time, I will help you find someone who can take your spot by posting the tickets on Instagram.
If no one wants to take over your tickets, unfortunately, the tickets won’t be refunded.
Join my Soul Purpose ceremony
in Amsterdam
September 2024
When: Sunday, 15 September 2024
Where: Herengracht 294, Amsterdam (WE ARE TRUST)
Time: 13:00 – 16:00 (make sure you arrive 15 minutes early, so at 12:45)
Price: €45/55* (early bird till September 1st, €10 discount)
*Tickets are non-refundable