3 easy ways to connect to your intuition - HaileyNoa.com

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3 easy ways to connect to your intuition

by Hailey Noa

3 ways to connect to your intuition

Your intuition is your inner guidance system. It guides you through life and tells you whether you’re on the right path. Some also call intuition your “gut” or your ‘gut feeling’. If you want to know what your Soul Purpose is, it’s smart to connect to your intuition. The answer to what your Soul Purpose is, is already in you. And your intuition knows the answer. That’s why in this blog, I’m sharing 3 easy ways to connect to your intuition.

How you lose the connection to your intuition

Everyone has an intuition. I’m pretty sure that you’ve experienced a situation in which you’ve thought ‘I knew it!’. That was your intuition guiding you. And the more you’re connected to your intuition, the easier it can guide you.

But because of life circumstances and beliefs that you pick up in life, you can get cut off from your intuition. That’s when you start to trust more on your head instead of on your feelings. But, the more you ignore your intuition, the more you get cut off from that connection to your inner wisdom. Luckily, there are some things you can do to strengthen your connection to your intuition. Check out the 3 easy ways to connect to your intuition below.

3 easy ways to connect to your intuition

Now, you might wonder, how do you connect to your intuition? Good question! It sounds very easy, but tapping into your intuition is not something you learn in school. So how do you do that? I have 3 tips for you that will help.

1. Meditate

The best way to get in touch with your intuition is by meditating. When you meditate, you turn your focus inwards. You turn down all the noise of your mind and of the outside world. You observe what is happening in the now. With your full awareness, you observe the present moment.

In the silence that you create in your mind and body during meditation, your intuition can talk to you. Meditation will help you clear out noise that blocks you from hearing your intuition.

2. Journal

Journaling is also a great way to connect to your intuition. Take out a pen and paper, and start writing down your thoughts. When you do that, you sort out your thoughts. And because of that, your intuition will get a chance to come through and send you the messages that you need to hear.

Write down everything that comes to mind. Write in a stream of consciousness without editing yourself. Allow your intuition to come through to writing and receive everything that you need to know. 

3. Live consciously

When you want to connect to your intuition, you need a certain level of consciousness. You need to be connected to yourself, but also to the world around you. So instead of living on autopilot, start bringing consciousness into your every day.

Be mindful of the choices you make, the food you eat, the things that you buy, and what you say. Be mindful of your thoughts and how you interact with people. Bring what you value into your daily life and let that be a conscious driver of what you do in life. This will help you get in touch with yourself and with that, with your intuition. The more present you are, the more you are in touch with yourself, and the easier it will be for your intuition to talk to you.

Give it time

Meditation, journaling, and living consciously are all great ways to connect to your intuition. But they take time. Losing touch with your intuition probably happened over time. It will also take some time to restore that connection. So, don’t give up if after a week of trying you haven’t seen any results.

You also can’t get a six-pack by going to the gym once a month. It’s the same with your spiritual practice. It’s a muscle that you can train if you do the work. So give yourself this gift and start connecting to your intuition. You’re worth it!

Now I’d love to hear from you: which of the 3 tips are you going to try first? Leave your reply in the comment section!


Hailey Noa, Soul Purpose Coach


I'm a Soul Purpose Expert, Cacao Guardian, Mantra Musician and Spiritual Mentor.

I help you experience your Soul with the help of cacao ceremonies, Soul journey meditations, and coaching. Because you are meant to do amazing things on this earth, and your Soul knows what it is!

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